we have been having lots of adventures. we started back south along the baja coast and stopped at a few fishing villages. we explored old drying beds for making seasalt. we did some repairs on the playground equipment in agua verde (green water), a favorite place of ours and many others.
north of aqua verde we hit a rock! it was scarey but everything is alright. we developed a small leak and had a diver check it out. we decided we had better haul out and that we did in la paz (the peace). a nice city with a big protected harbour.
the damage was minimal but it was a bit difficult to repair. we needed new bottom paint and zincs anyway so we made the best of it. we were in the boat yard for a week and had good service from the yard.
the cruising club here in la paz is great and we met lots of cruisers and used thier book exchange and video library.
we are floating again and almost ready for our pacific crossing.
best wishes everyone
wishing star crew
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