one of the stops along the way was poerto escondido {hidden port}, it is a beautiful hurrican hole with many boats moored. some are sailors but many are just floating condos for americans and canadians so they have a cheap place to spend the winter. almost everyone here is retired and few are sailing anymore. some like us just pass through and stop to get food and supplies at the nearby city of loreto, the oldest mission in the baja.
we met many nice people here and we went for a sunday brunch at the local saiors club. one nice guy gave us a couple of rides to loreto and helped us in other ways too.
we went on an awesome hike up a canyon near here with caves, palm trees, waterfalls and pools for swimming.
we are continuing on our way to other hidden bays and valleys along the way.
i left a piece of my art here as you will see in the photos.
keeping our hooks sharp, sails trim and dingy inflated.
fair winds and flat seas my family and friends...
You guys are livin' it! Awesome!
I believe your family follows this expression. Only if you are good at living in the day, does living in the moment matter.
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