WOW mexico is great!
we just got in yesterday.
after all the paperwork and everything we are slowing down a bit and enjoying the vibe here.
we sailed for seven days from san francisco and had a great time. lots of wind and some doldrums.
almost no breakdowns and everything worked well.
repairs and upgrades in california all worked well.
there is a big storm in the north that has people worried here but it seems to have missed us this far south. it had one big benefit for us, that is the marinas would not let us dock so we had to anchor out in the bay which is usually not allowed. this proved great for the storm did not hit and we did not have to pay $4o u.s. a night to stay.
we are reprovisioning and getting ready to leave in a few days further south.
ensenada is very touristy but also very mexican. visiting mexico by boat has proven very differant and fun than other trips here by land.
we all got a bit seasick coming down but we are use to it and after such a hard trip from vancouver to california is was much easier.
leaf bought a little box of mexicain jumping beans which he enjoys very much.
i will post some pictures and more stories about our trip and stay here soon.
we have already met some world class sailors as well as some californian coastal sailors.
one guy from poland on his boat called luca just arrived after sailing around the world nonstop singlehanded. he is leaving soon to cuba via easter island and the south africa.
the locals have been very helpful and we are enjoying the laid back and sweet people of ensenada.